Isaiah 55: 8 - 9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
More from the 1990 journal as my family and I prepared to serve as missionaries with Habitat for Humanity International:
I read this quote from Martin Luther in the church bulletin:
Many things I have held in my hands
I have lost them all.
That which I put into God's hands
Are things I still possess.
"I will bless you and keep you. I will make my face to shine upon you and give you peace."
Good Morning Abba -
The reality of what we are living sinks in. Sometimes I truly believe You want us to be here. I'm truly ready to put my health, the kids' health and welfare and Alan's health in Your hands. I know You are faithful and true to Your promises.
You have spoken to my heart and Alan's heart.
Thank You for being here with us one day at a time.
I get anxious and worried if I look to far ahead. I always have been that way.
Into Your hands I put myself, my husband, my children. I pray You use me today. That's why I'm here. I ask for Your support and guidance. I trust You. I love You. I believe in You.
Thank You for what I believe. The fact is, either I do or I don't and there is no in-between. You have put us int that position very vividly!!!
I do believe You, Your promises and Your Word and Your still, small voice in my heart.
Thank you for the gift of belief in You . Amen.
Well. The house in Minnesota is sold TODAY. Bless the new family even as You bless us. Amen.
We saw Jimmy Carter today! We went to his Sunday School class at Maranatha Baptist Church. He taught eternal life begins now. Love is a moral commitment, not just an emotion. He taught from 1 John 5. We got to shake his hand and get our picture taken with him. He also said Jesus is our role model. I felt that with the goal of learning how to live my love for God, I can study the Bible and use it to learn more about Jesus. Jesus is really the guiding light to lead us thru the Bible. And life. And learning about God's love.
Yesterday we went to Country Days in Plains, GA. Outdoor arts and crafts, food, entertainment. Nice and easy going and not crowded.
We have learned things this week.
1). Millard Fuller (founder of Habitat for Humanity) is more or less banished to Atlanta for liking or unintentionally liking the ladies too much. Five women have come forward with complaints of sexual harassment. This can happen with a man and his organization. The difference here is that it wasn't allowed to go on and on. So HFH has been dealing with this since March.
2). We cannot be non-committal about discrimination. St. Andrews Lutheran Church in Plains is old, as I said, and WHITE. We want to shop around, try a Lutheran Church in Albany with black people and white people. Jesus would.