Psalm 37:7
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
This has been a wonderful summer. I have dipped my toes into the following volunteer opps: Ministry in the Margins (Food Pantry), Abused Adult Resource Center and Circle C Ranch. There are the neatest people in our community a phone call away!
I am currently reading A Beautiful Mind about John Nash, mathematics and schizophrenia. What a world, what a world! I keep getting the impression that manic/depressive disorder and schizophrenia are kissing cousins.
I took a daring step in taking care of myself regarding a husband that loves me to pieces, provides for me in the nth degree, yet seems to be unable to articulate feelings, dreams, plans and thoughts. I had a walk in the cemetery (one of my most favorite places!) and a lunch with a past social work professor. I have always been intrigued by him. He is articulate, has worked as a counselor in many settings, seems open and has a great sense of humor. I pretty much asked him to be an example of an honest, decent man, who (by the way!) can talk, in my life. We had a lovely walk, a great lunch, lots of laughs and found we had sexually molested childhoods in common. And yes, my wise, wonderful girl friends, and my hubby are all informed of my daring-do. I would like to type my professor's memoirs and help him to self publish. We will see what develops.
Yesterday was my day for making connections. I came home from my above mentioned lunchy-poo and there was a voicemail from my darlin' cousin in Minnesota! We caught up on what our kiddies are doing. Her college aged daughter would very much like to join our medical mission trip to Guatemala next year. My cousin is o so not sure about the whole idea of letting her sweetie go. I shared with her my recent angst over my daughter's rejection of my personality and my religion. My cousin was very supportive of my parenting and I just feel blessed.
Onward and upward!