Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Matthew 22:37

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

Just returned from a six day visit with my best friend forever in Duluth.  Let me say it is ever so easy to love the LORD my God when I am with my friend.  We both enjoy talking about how good He is.  She is celebrating each day of being cured of Hepatitis C.  I am celebrating my new life of hearing with ease.

We rented a quad bike near Lake Superior, with her daughter.  The three of us went down gradual slopes and back up, muscling along and doing the work of four.  Her darling hubby came home from work the first day bearing wine and beer.  Such a sweetie.  Later on, we indulged in our ritual of eating smoked fish, cheese, crackers and fruit in her car, facing a fantastic view of the lake called Superior.  My friend has a hobby of photography and a snazzy new camera.  We committed our memories of Gooseberry Falls to film.  Including a sweet pair of newlyweds.  She in white and he in uniform.  It was classic.

We did devotions.  We walked my friend's dogs.  We talked.  We laughed.  We cried.  We watched the "Joy Luck Club," "A Beautiful Mind," and "Shadow Recruit."  She spoiled me rotten with her cooking and the use of their downstairs apartment.  It was a lovely, lovely time.  A taste of heaven, I am sure.

God has a way of sending the right book my way.  I am presently reading The Map of Enough, One Woman's Search for Place, by Molly Caro May.  She is a philosophical young woman who sees herself as a nomad.  This mindset began with her family of origin, with whom she frequently transferred from country to country.  Her outlook remains the same as she travels through life.  The main event her nonfiction book covers is the time she and her fiance built a yurt on her parent's Montana property.  There is also a pre-existing cabin on the property with heat, water and electricity.  The couple split their time between the yurt at night and the cabin during the day.  The author savored the free time, once the yurt was built.  But for her fiance, time "would open like a black hole beneath him every few days."  I can identify with the fiance.  And yet when she writes "I liked not having to respond to anything or anyone."  I say "Amen sistah!"

Thank you LORD for this glorious, free summertime!  Amen.

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